Shimoga Central Prison Event – Dedicated Bandwidth of 20mbps – 9thFebruary, 2024

Shimoga Central Prison Event

    • Government Events
    • Shimoga Central Prison
    • February 09, 2024

Awareness Session at Women’s Central Prison, Shimoga 2024

The volunteers of Prison Ministry of India at Shimoga unit organised a half a day session on Friday, 9 February 2024, at the Central Prison for women at Shivamogga. The sessions centered round the topic: Women’s Mental Health and Safety, thus to create awareness in the minds of inmates stressing on mental health and safety.  The session commenced at 11 am invoking God’s blessings by the PMI volunteers.

Yash Infosystem Provided

Dedicated Bandwidth of 20mbps:

At Yash Team, we take pride in delivering top-notch network solutions of 1:1 20mbps dedicated bandwidth to ensure the seamless operation, especially during awareness session held at Central Prison, Shimoga. Our dedicated team is geared up to provide comprehensive network setup, installation and maintenance support throughout the event.
